Project Management
Project Executed by I Zone
Project Management
City Complexes & Shopping Malls
City Complexes and Shopping Malls in U.A.E. and K.S.A. with total of 1,140,000 sq. mtr.

Hospitals in Abu Dhabi & Dubai, including complete special systems and medical equipment’s certification from USA.

Villas and Residential Complexes
Villas, Residential Complexes and Towers in U.A.E, Qatar, and K.S.A

Headquarters in Dubai and Abu Dhabi including banks.

Schools and Universities
Schools & Universities in different Emirates in U.A.E. with design and development, and implementation of latest technology.

Prestigious Palaces
Prestigious Palaces in different Emirates in U.A.E

Stadiums in U.A.E. and K.S.A with latest technology and lead certification.

Hotels in Ghana, U.A.E., and K.S.A. with complete systems and facilities for a 5-Star Level. The biggest one was 1,800 rooms

Factories in Lebanon and U.A.E. including all the requirements of processing plants and integration with main factories abroad.

Oil Field Projects
Field Projects, Gas, Power, Desolation, and Cooling Plants all over in U.A.E. and Qatar including engineering and development of design.

Data Centers
Data Centers in U.A.E. and K.S.A. up to TIER--IV with certification from uptime institute-U.S.A

Airports and Army Projects
Airports and Army Projects in U.A.E. and K.S.A. with engineering and design development.

distinction and Success
I-Zone believes that the principal ingredient of a long-term business success are the professional and cooperative approach, talent and commitment of our employees, exchanging ideas, have proper planning, and fast track the knowledge and aware- ness to deliver exceptional quality project.
I-Zone provides the highest trust and professional service and expert assistance to your company. Making your business, our business! Please take a look of our services and how we can assist you.